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5 top tips when you’re having Rhinoplasty

With the overall impact that rhinoplasty has on the face, it’s an increasingly popular surgical procedure. If you’re considering it, here are five things to bear in mind to increase your chances of a successful outcome:

1. Choose your surgeon carefully
Of all plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty carries one of the highest revision rates. This is for two main reasons: it’s technically difficult, and it’s performed on a very visible part of the face.
Even in the best surgical hands in the world, the revision rate for primary rhinoplasty is around 8-10%, and around 15-20% for secondary rhinoplasty.

2. Do your research and understand the procedure
There are various rhinoplasty techniques, including open technique, closed technique, tip only, and with or without cartilage grafting. There are pros and cons to all of these, and different surgeons will have different preferences. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to ask questions during your consultation, and the more you’ll understand your surgeon’s suggestions for the best technique for you.

3. Have realistic expectations
The best candidates for rhinoplasty are people who want the surgery to address something specific that bothers them, for example they have a big or hooked nose, a crooked or deviated septum, or a protruding tip. Because this surgery has possible complications, it’s not advised to do it in order to give you a great nose, if you already have a good one. So, if you have only a minor imperfection, you should think twice about having this procedure.

4. Prepare for your post-operative healing
After surgery, you will wear a cast on your nose for one to two weeks, and your nose will still be fragile for a good few months after that. A large bump to the face could affect the healing process and the success of the surgery. To ensure a smooth healing process, be sure to follow your post-op instructions carefully

5. Be in tip top shape and work on getting your skin at its best
To get the best results from rhinoplasty, you should be in your best health, and make sure your skin is healthy too. Healthy habits like eating well, not smoking and keeping fit will go a long way in decreasing anesthetic risk and promoting a great healing phase. Book a VISIA skin consultation and get an understanding of what treatments your skin would benefit from. Having great skin will be the cherry on the top for the best results.

I was surprised to meet a patient who came for a rhinoplasty at the age of 70. This was a lady who had to save up carefully over a long period of time and I was interested to understand her reasoning. For this patient however, she didn’t like what she called her ‘hook nose’ and said it had made her feel like a witch her whole life, especially when she laughed. After her recovery, she found she chatted more with strangers and little children, which she said is not something she would have done before. These are the types of cases that keep me motivated, because if I can help people feel better about themselves and become more confident, then I’ve done what I set out to do.

Find out more about Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty) or call us on 021 851 4339 with any questions.