Liposuction is a very popular body sculpting procedure that can help individuals remove isolated pockets of fatty tissue around their body. Despite the most exhaustive toning efforts, some areas of accumulated fat are impervious to diet and exercise. This often creates frustration and discouragement for men and women unable to reach their aesthetic goals. As a versatile enhancement surgery commonly utilized to smooth “bra rolls,” “love handles” and other bulges, liposuction can reduce the amount of stubborn fat in a given region through precise and targeted removal. If you are seeking to tone your physique with selective fat reduction, advanced liposuction techniques performed by our aesthetic plastic surgeon, Rory Dower (MD), in Cape Town, South Africa, can provide the desired contour in the treated area(s) while taking care to minimize the amount of visible scarring. Dr Dower tailors the liposuction procedure to fulfill each patient’s surgical goals for a beautiful and natural-looking cosmetic outcome.
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Depending on each individual’s surgical goals, many patients combine liposuction with a tummy tuck for more comprehensive enhancement.
About the Liposuction Procedure
Liposuction is commonly performed as an outpatient surgery, although an overnight stay may be required if large volumes of fat are removed, or if the treatment is combined with other procedures. In general, liposuction can be utilized to sculpt and enhance many different body areas, including:
- Abdomen
- Buttocks
- Back
- Thighs and hips
- Flanks and waistline
- Underneath the bra line
- Arms, legs and knees
- Neck
During the procedure, thin cannulas are inserted into the skin through strategically-placed incisions. Problem fat is then gently suctioned out until the desired outcome is achieved. Depending on each individual’s unique needs, mild sedation and local anaesthesia are infused into the treatment area(s) to provide a higher level of patient comfort, as well as to aid in the recovery process. Dr Dower may utilize a number of innovative liposuction techniques that can allow for more advanced and effective fat removal.
Liposuction Techniques
- Suction-Assisted Liposuction (SAL): The traditional method of liposuction, which uses thin cannulas to extract excess fat cells from a given region.
- Tumescent Liposuction: A widely used technique that infuses a solution of medications into the treatment area(s) to minimize patient discomfort and allow for a smoother recovery. The mixture, which includes a local anaesthetic, is administered to decrease blood loss, swelling and other post-operative symptoms.
- Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL): This approach utilizes rapid vibrations to break up fat cells for easier and faster removal when compared to traditional liposuction methods. It is particularly useful for dense treatment areas, such as the back.
Different approaches to liposuction are frequently combined for an optimal surgical outcome. The ideal liposuction technique will be determined according to your individual needs, the planned treatment areas and the desired cosmetic result.
Recovery From Liposuction
After liposuction, a compression garment or elastic bandages may be applied to the treated area(s) to minimize swelling and facilitate skin contraction around your new body contours.
While liposuction surgery generally requires one week or less of downtime, the length of your recovery period will depend on the number of areas treated, and whether the procedure was combined with other surgeries. Patients should avoid strenuous work and aerobic exercise until such activities are cleared by Dr Dower.
Post-operative bruising and/or swelling are typical, but should subside as healing progresses. Any discomfort can be managed with oral pain medication.
Results of Liposuction
Following surgery, patients can enjoy a more defined and contoured physique in the areas of treatment. Dr Dower’s precise surgical technique generally allows for discreet incision placement and minimized scarring to deliver extremely natural-looking results. While the cosmetic outcome from liposuction is designed to be long-term, individuals can prolong their results by maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen.
If you are interested in liposuction performed by Dr Dower to achieve your ideal aesthetic, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact our practice in Cape Town, South Africa today.